Wednesday, June 10, 2015

White teeth in 10 minutes using natural ingredients


White teeth in 10 minutes using natural ingredients

1. Baking soda for white teeth

Baking soda will whiten your teeth by abrasion icts proprieties. You will get rid of the spots and enamel from your teeth and They Will Become bright. Use the baking soda like you use the toothpaste. After using, is Necessary to rinse your mouth very well. The baking soda of using excessive will destroy your enamel coating. You can use baking soda once a week and will see amazing results.

2. Sage for white teeth

Sage Eliminate the spots from the teeth. It also have antibacterial proprieties. Sage is a good remedy for painful gums due to ict astringent effect. Rub your teeth with sage leave 2 times per week. The excessive using of wisdom will grow your teeth sensitivity.

3. Clay for white teeth

Clay is a great ingredients When We talk about teeth whitening and purification of mouth. Is rich in minerals and trace items. It is a natural disinfectant and helps in healing problems like abscesses, pus and bacterial fermentation. Wash your teeth with a mixture with water and clay for 4 minutes. You will notice That you will-have white teeth.

4. Hydrogen peroxide for white teeth

Buy a bottle of hydrogen peroxide from pharmacy. Soak a cotton pad in hydrogen peroxide and rub your teeth with it. Rinse your mouth very well. Be careful- Do not swallow the hydrogen peroxide. Also, you can mix baking soda with hydrogen peroxide or clay, you obtenir up to a paste. Wash your teeth with this mixture for 3-4 minutes. Use this remedy once a week.

Blogger : Sunrise
Image : source


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